Lyrics: Manuel María (from the book “Sonetos á Casa de Hortas”, 1997)
Music: Fran Amil
Manuel María writes an extraordinary reflection on the time of old age, in which he ponders the positive things of a rich existence.
In the poem he makes reference to the great love of his life, Saleta Goy. Saleta always, despite leaving recently. I suppose that in Manuel María’s quest, between the two of them make the light powerful again and the darkness scarce.
Fran Amil: lead vocals and drums
Xurxo Souto: voice collaboration
Paco Cerdeira: electric guitar
Álex Bardanca: bass
Aarón Bouzón: EWI 4000 and keyboards
Remember that you can read the lyrics while you listen to the song.
- Agora que gastei os meus outo Fran Amil e a tribo incompren 3:27
Agora, que gastei os meus outonos | Now that I have spent my autumns |
e ben entrado xa no propio inverno, | and well into winter itself, |
acredito no fugaz e no eterno | I believe in the fleeting and in the eternal |
e só me asusta o raio, non os tronos. | and only lightning scares me, not thunder. |
Un, dende fai moitos anos, comprendeu | One, for many years, understood |
que todo é asegún e relativo | that everything is according and relative |
e ninguén é tan bo nen tan cativo, | and no one is so good or so evil, |
nen podemos prescindir do propio eu. | nor can we do without the self itself. |
Gardo dentro de min toda a fragancia | I keep inside me all the fragrance |
dos amados rincós da miña infancia | of the beloved corners of my childhood |
e os recendos que tiña a vella casa. | and the smells that the old house had. |
Foi chama o meu amor. Agora é brasa. | It was flame my love. Now it’s ember. |
Saleta sempre. Perdón pola arrogancia: | Saleta always. Sorry for the arrogance: |
“A luz é poderosa. A tebra, escasa.” | “The light is powerful. The darkness, scarce.” |
If you want to see more lyrics from the album “A voz do vento” click HERE.