Lyrics: Ramón María del Valle-Inclán
Adaptation of the lyrics: Carlos and Fran Amil
Music: Fran and Carlos Amil
Ramon Maria del Valle-Inclan. The writer. And we shouldn’t write anything else.
But beyond his capital prose and his indescribable theater, Valle-Inclán has an extraordinary collection of poems that most of the time is hidden among so much splendor. “La pipa de kif” welcomes “Alleluia”, and we take it towards the psychedelic and funky waves, because giving the seed to the wind, it can sprout and settle funambulesquely wherever it sees fit.
Fran Amil: main voice, choirs, güiro, tambourine, clapping and drums
Paco Cerdeira: electric guitar
Antón Fernández “Torroncho”: bass
Ricardo Casás “Richi”: tenor sax and alto sax
Manu Payno: trumpet
Fernando Román: bagpipes
Álex Salgueiro: keyboards
Ángeles Dorrio e Carmen Rey: choirs
Carlos Amil: recitation
Remember that you can read the lyrics while you listen to the song.
- ALELUYA Fran Amil 4:40
Por la divina primavera | For the divine spring |
Me ha venido la ventolera | The rapture has come to me |
De hacer versos funambulescos. | Of making tightrope verses. |
—Un purista diría grotescos—. | —A purist would say grotesque—. |
Para las gentes respetables | For respectable people |
Son cabriolas espantables. | They are frightening capers. |
¡Sombra del misterioso delta, | ¡Shadow of the mysterious delta, |
Vibra en tu honor mi gaita celta! | My Celtic bagpipe vibrates in your honor! |
¡Tú amabas las rosas, el vino | You loved roses, wine |
Y los amores del camino! | And the loves of the way! |
Cantor de Vida y Esperanza, | Singer of Life and Hope, |
Para ti toda mi loanza. | For you all my praise. |
Por el alba de oro, que es tuya, Aleluya. | For the golden dawn, which is yours, Hallelujah. |
¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! | Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! |
Hay que crear eternamente | It is have to create eternally |
Y dar al viento la simiente: | And give the wind the seed: |
El grano de amor o veneno | The grain of love or poison |
Que aposentamos en el seno. | That we settle in the bosom. |
El grano de todas las horas | The grain of all hours |
En el gran Misterio sonoras. | In the great Sound Mystery. |
¿Y cuál será mi grano incierto? | And what will be my uncertain grain? |
¡Tendré su pan después de muerto! | I’ll have his bread after he’s dead! |
¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya! | Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! |
Recitado: ¡Pálida flor de la locura | Recitation: ¡Pale flower of madness |
con normas de literatura! | With standards of literature! |
Acaso esta musa grotesca, | Perhaps this grotesque muse, |
—Ya no digo funambulesca,— | —I no longer say tightrope walker—, |
Que con sus gritos espasmódicos | who with her spasmodic cries |
Irrita a los viejos retóricos | Irritates the old rhetoricians |
Y salta luciendo la pierna | And jumps showing off the leg |
¿No será la musa moderna? | ¿Will not be the modern muse? |
Apuro el vaso de bon vino, | I drain the glass of good wine |
Y hago cantando mi camino | And sing my way |
Y a compás de un ritmo trocáico, | And to the beat of a trochaic rhythm, |
De viejo gaitero galaico, | Of an old Galician piper,v |
Llevo mi verso a la farándula: | I take my verse to the show business: |
Anímula, Vágula, Blándula. | Anímula, Vágula, Blándula. |
If you want to see more lyrics from the album “Popsia Vol. I” click HERE.