Lyrics: Xosé María Díaz Castro
Adaptation of the lyrics: Carlos and Fran Amil
Music: Fran and Carlos Amil
Born in Guitiriz (Lugo), Xosé María Díaz Castro only published the book of poems “Nimbos” during his lifetime at the Galaxia publishing house, in 1961. “Coma brasas” belongs to the “Pórtico” section, the first of the seven sections into which the book is divided, and we find in the text a precise definition of the author’s intentions in his affirmation as a poet and the things that interest him to be sung.
Those embers to which the title of the poem alludes caught fire in us, and that is why we carry the torch with adolescent curiosity and restlessness, to immerse ourselves in a rock cry that helps to give a face to that drama full of things.
On this occasion we were helped by Paco Cerdeira with the electric guitar, Antón Fernández “Torroncho” with the baixo, Ricardo Casás “Richi” with the tenor sax, Fernando Román with the bagpipes, Álex Salgueiro with the keyboards, and Ángeles Dorrio and Carmen Rey in the choirs. Add my voice and my drums.
Here we leave you the song so you can read it while you listen to it.
- COMA BRASAS Fran Amil 4:31
Poeta ou non, eu cantarei as cousas | Poet or not, I will sing the things |
que na soleira de min mesmo agardan. | that on the threshold of myself await. |
Alumarei con fachas de palabras, | I will light with torches of words, |
ancho herdo meu, o mundo que me deron. | vast inheritance of mine, the world that was given to me. |
Eí están, coma brasas contra a noite, | There they are, like embers against the night, |
as vellas cousas, cheas de destinos. | the old things, full of destinations. |
Ollos que piden, de famentos nenos. | Praying eyes of hungry children. |
Ollos que esperan, dunha adolescente. | Waiting eyes of a teenager. |
Coma brasas. (x4) | Like embers. (x4) |
¡Galiza en min, meu Deus; pan que me deron | ¡Galicia in me, my God; bread they gave me |
leite e centeo e soño e lus de aurora! | milk and rye and dream and dawn light! |
Longa rúa de mar, fogar da terra, | Long road of the sea, home of the land, |
e esta crus que nos mide de alto a baixo. | and this cross that measures us from top to bottom. |
Coma brasas. (x2) | Like embers. (x2) |
Con este alento, eu lle darei ás cousas | With this breath, I will give things |
o drama cheo que lles nega a vida: | the full drama that denies them life: |
dareilles rostros, pra que se coñezan, | Is I will give faces, so that they know each other, |
palabras lles darei pra que se entendan… | I will give you words so that they can understand… |
Coma brasas. (x2) | Like embers. (x2) |
If you want to see more lyrics from the album “Popsia Vol. I” click HERE.