Mentres canto (While I sing)

Lyrics: Celso Emilio Ferreiro (poem titled “Spiritual”, from the book “Longa noite de pedra”)

Adaptation of the lyrics: Carlos and Fran Amil

Music: Fran and Carlos Amil

The poet from Celanova (Ourense) Celso Emilio Ferreiro is the bard with the most musical versions of his work. And it is that in each verse of Ferreiro emerges a singable rhythm that has the force of a magnet.

Fran talking to the bust of Celso Emilio Ferreiro in Celanova. The bust was made by Acisclo Manzano

While I sing the heart goes with me and with it I speak, and everything that exists in the world is a note that unites me with all the men and women who lend me their ears.

Fran Amil: lead vocals, backing vocals and drums

Paco Cerdeira: electric guitar

Antón Fernández “Torroncho”: bass

Ricardo Casás “Richi”: tenor sax

Remember that you can read the lyrics while you listen to the song.

  1. MENTRES CANTO Fran Amil 4:00


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Cicais mañáMaybe tomorrow
cando a miña miradawhen my look
non abrolle na luzdo not germinate in the light
como cativa mapoula de auga,like a little water poppy,
veña a soedade.come loneliness.
Pero hoxe canto en libertáBut today I sing in freedom
e mentres cantoand while I sing
non estou isolado,I’m not isolated,
que o corazón vai comigothat the heart goes with me
e con il falo. (X2)and I talk to him.
Beberei a paisaxeI will drink the landscape
nun amencer de a dawn of lilies.
As campanas do marThe bells of the sea
nos ventos fuxidí the fleeing winds.
Cada intre un paxaro,Every moment a bird
cada pulso un latexo.each pulse a beat.
Unha espada de chuviaA sword of rain
cortando a frol do vento.cutting the flower of the wind.
Nin as olladas torvas,Nor the grim looks,
nin os beizos esquivos,nor elusive lips,
nin as voces nemigasnor the enemy voices
nin os homes cativos.nor the mean men.
E mentres cantoAnd while I sing
non estou isolado,I’m not isolated
que o corazón vai comigothat the heart goes with me
e con il falo. (X2)and I talk to him. (x2)
Vivirei coma o lumeI will live like fire
alcendido na noite.lit at night.
Terei cumios de estrelas,I will have star peaks,
cantarei para os homes.I will sing for the men.
Estou comigo mesmo.I am with myself.
O corazón é quen manda,The heart is the boss,
i eu obedezo.and I obey.
E mentres cantoAnd while I sing
non estou isolado,I’m not isolated
que o corazón vai comigothat the heart goes with me
e con il falo. (X2)and I talk to him. (x2)

If you want to see more lyrics from the album “Popsia Vol. I” click HERE.