O desexo (The desire)

Lyrics: Manuel María (from the book “A luz resucitada”, 1984)

Music: Fran Amil

In the 1980s, Manuel María intensified his role as cultural promoter, participating in conferences, colloquiums, proclamations, recitals, cultural meetings, etc.

The song “O desexo” could well refer to that effort. The band created for this album, with the name of Fran Amil e a tribo incomprensíbel, attacks the theme with great intensity.

Fran Amil: lead vocals and drums

Paco Cerdeira: electric guitar

Álex Bardanca: bass

Aarón Bouzón: EWI 4000 and keyboards

Remember that you can read the lyrics while you listen to the song.

  1. O desexo Fran Amil e a tribo incompren 2:34


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Sinto o sangue fervendo, alporizado,I feel the blood boiling, angry,
un océano de lumean ocean of fire
avanta incontíbel polas veas,advances uncontrollably through the veins,
semella que os miolosit seems that the brains
van -de súpeto- a estourar.They will suddenly explode.
Semella que os miolosIt seems that the brains
van -de súpeto- a estourar.They will suddenly explode.
Un queda sen folgosOne is breathless
cos beizos resecos e sedentos:with parched and thirsty lips:
é o desexo ouveando, afiandois desire howling, sharpening
navallas e coitelos, alcendéndonos,razors and knives, turning us on,
queimándonos,burning us,
facendo faiscar os nosos ollosmaking our eyes sparkle
e poñendo en pé ao ser do noso ser.and setting up the being of our being.
Facendo faiscar os nosos ollosMaking our eyes sparkle
e poñendo en pé ao ser do noso ser.and setting up the being of our being.
É o desexo (x2).It is desire (x2).
Sinto o sangue fervendo, alporizado,I feel my blood boiling, angry,
un océano de lumean ocean of fire
avanta incontíbel polas veas,advances uncontrollably through the veins,
semella que os miolosit seems that the brains
van -de súpeto- a estourar.They will suddenly explode.
Semella que os miolosIt seems that the brains
van -de súpeto- a estourar. (x3)They will suddenly explode.(x3)

If you want to see more lyrics from the album “A voz do vento” click HERE.